Whatever your meat's desire, we've got the wine to pair with it! These food friendly wines will enhance all your steaks, burgers, lamb or pork. Check out our pairing section for each individual wines for ideas and suggestions. If your grilling burgers, our Highlands Zinfandel or Lindstrom Pinot will do nicely or Post & Vine Old Field Blend with a little smoked aged gouda and bacon on top your patty...oh my!
Pairing Wines With Meat
Whatever your meat's desire, we've got the wine to pair with it! These food friendly wines will enhance all your steaks, burgers, lamb or pork. Check out our pairing section for each individual wines for ideas and suggestions. If your grilling burgers, our Highlands Zinfandel or Lindstrom Pinot will do nicely or Post & Vine Old Field Blend with a little smoked aged gouda and bacon on top your patty...oh my!